Justin Lang
industrial designer
Selected Works, page 2

The kiosk was envisioned as a multi-media gaming, photo, email, video chat system.

An additional requirement was that the system be modular for gaming groups, but still maintain some potential for privacy during personal video chat.

Eventually named "Zazoox", the gaming system was displayed at a major gaming and electronics tradeshow.

The kiosk was envisioned as a multi-media gaming, photo, email, video chat system.
Kiosk - Zazoox Media and Gaming System
Designed for and with the Army's Recreational Machine Program, the sytem was meant to provide recreational games, as well as video chat, email, and other internet services to hard-working soliders in their off-duty time.
Click on the photos to see the full image.

One kiosk of this design was actually built for a tradeshow. Subsequently, some of the component options were changed, requiring a new design.

Header options.

A tray to hold an iPod or other media device was later added just under the keyboard.

One kiosk of this design was actually built for a tradeshow. Subsequently, some of the component options were changed, requiring a new design.
Kiosk - Two-Headed Monster (Media Kiosk)
Known as the Two-Headed Monster around the office, the system allows two users to share one photo printer device (save cost). Photo printing and music downloads are the 2HM's specialty.
Click on the photos to see the full image.

Early sketches and concept development. Exploring the number of seats, modularity, privacy, physical configuration of multiple kiosks.

Configurations: singles, 2x2, 3x3, or 4x1 as shown here.

One of the 2x2 configurations. We also built several 4x1 designs.

Early sketches and concept development. Exploring the number of seats, modularity, privacy, physical configuration of multiple kiosks.
"Shibby" Pay-per-Use Airport Kiosk
Undertaken as a test bed for our kiosks, software and systems in the real world, the Shibby kiosks were installed at Denver International Airport. They underwent several iterations and changes over several years.
Click on the photos to see the full image.